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Spiritual health and wellness

Eye was born with the gift of foresight but was programmed to believe different because of society and the family Eye chose in order to wake up and break generational curses.  My father named me Aray. An African name with a prominent meaning.  Golden. 


I always hated My first name in my younger days.  Eye didn't learn to love it until later and then Eye learned what my name truly meant, instead of the lies my mother fed me "Aray means The Beautiful"


J.B. chose that name on purpose. Eye just didn't know why until Eye dived deeper into my spiritual journey and my calling.  Eye always knew Eye was special and was a part of something way bigger.  Eye never knew it would manifest into this.


In 2021, Eye started my spiritual journey. Eye didn't embark on my healing journey until a little later. Eye can honestly say my healing journey saved me. If Eye hadn't embraced my darkness, the darkness would have taken me. Everything is a choice and Eye chose to heal and free myself from this matrix, thus activating my gifts. Eye shifted so many timelines over the past years. Eye've made it my life's mission to help those who actually want to help themselves have a better quality of life. 


Eye started doing free yes/no questions for a while, then began doing readings on Tiktok live. The more Eye tapped into my Clairaudience & Clairvoyance the more my gifts enhanced, which propelled me to do mediumship readings.

This journey is taking me on a crazy amazing high that Eye don't want to come down from.

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